
The game is finished! (click for info )


Due to vacations the release date it’s moved to september 2020. I need to rest and go on vacations, because I spent really much hours and days to finish that project. It’s not the end, after the game launch there will be a lot of work about updates and improvements, so that why I decided to gain some energy and launch the game with fresh mind 🙂

Thank You very much for Your patience!
I promise you will wait 60 days and you won’t regret it!

Now You can watch the official launch trailer. See You in september!

Official Site Launch!


After 8 years!

Welcome on the official site of Almora Darkosen! Here You can find all informations about the project and future updates!

That is the moment, when I am going to finish the largest Gear-Studio project ever! I am really impressed that it’s the final stage of Almora.

Thank you all for the donations and for being with this project all the time!