Google Cloud Save + informations


Dear Almorians!

I am pleased to announce that Google Cloud Save is now available in the latest version of the game. I would like to remind you that CloudSave is used to transfer the game to another device or restore the game after uninstalling the application.

Download from Google Play

When you are logged in to Google Services: CloudSave is overwritten automatically during the game or when you click “Save Game”.

What’s next?

I am currently working on the iOS version. I’m almost finished and if there aren’t any major problems, it should officially be released at the end of January ’22.

This will be my first iOS game, so I hope it will be fine 🙂

In the meantime, I’m finishing my plan for new game modes, and it will remain to translate everything into 12 languages (currently)

Link to the description of the new modes: ADDITIONAL GAME MODES

P.S. A scenario for the additional part of the game is already being prepared 😉